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Which Telescope Should I Buy?

If you go out to any telescope store you will see many stores owner will try to sell you a small and cheap telescope by saying it has 600X magnification and it can show craters in moons, Jupiter's belt, Saturn rings, etc... not only this they will also show you the original box which has wonderful colored pictures of planets, galaxies, nebulae and much more. Beware of all these telescopes because the wonderful colored pictures that you saw in original box was all taken from Hubble Space Telescope. In real it will not look like the pictures you saw in original box. This will hurt your interest and curiosity of being a Amateur Astronomer. Due to this reason many new comers who comes to astronomy worlds get hurts and leave the wonderful astronomy world without knowing the real facts. So, always be aware not to fall into the trap of those telescope stores owners. 

Before buying your first telescope keep in mind few things

1. Never buy any telescope without knowing anything about it. I suggest you to visit your nearest astronomy clubs. Look through different peoples telescopes with different eyepieces to know what eyepieces are and what they do. Discuss with them what you want to see they can help you out in getting a good telescope.
"For ex - Watching moons craters, planets, planetary details like watching Jupiter's belts, Saturn's ring or interested in Deep Space Objects (DSO's) like galaxies, nebulae, star clusters or something like this."

The best thing is that without wasting your huge money just buy a used telescope and learn something from it and plan for your future one which you really want and at best price.

2. Never buy your telescope from a toy store or from a un-reputable seller. You may get some telescope at cheaper price but their optics quality will be very very poor and this will disappoint you and nothing else. So, always select your telescope from a reputable dealer.

3. Never fall into the trap of a seller who is convincing you to buy a telescope which he is claiming to be of superior quality. Its always better to visit your nearest astronomy clubs. Look through different peoples telescopes with different eyepieces to know what eyepieces are and what they do. Discuss with them what you want to see they can help you out in getting a good telescope.

4. Always visit to reputable telescope dealer who has good knowledge about it. A good dealer will ask your requirements and he will give his best to choose a telescope you need.

All the informations mentioned above should be followed.

Before buying any telescope you should know few important things about it. Without having proper knowledge it is foolish to buy any telescope.


Aperture is the most most important part of any telescope. Get the bigger aperture till you can afford it. Aperture is the diameter of the mirror or lens that collects light. In simple words, just compare it with our eyes. We cant see much distant planets because they are far away and when it comes to galaxies, they the most far away objects. Our eye is unable to see them because the light coming from distant planets or galaxies is beyond our eye range. Our eyes can not collect enough light from distant objects as it is small. We need certain things that work as a bigger eye, which we call it as mirror or lens. 

The bigger the diameter of mirrors or lens the more light it collects. Lens or mirrors works as a big eye and collects light from distant objects. The more light it collects the more details of that objects we can see.
Its simple!!!!

Magnification of any telescopes depends on its aperture. Large aperture collects more light and gives higher magnification and greater resolution(good quality images). So, those cheap telescopes offering high magnification will show some satisfactory view of nearer objects like Moon along with its craters, Jupiter along with its four moons, etc.... but those distant object will look fuzzy because these cheap telescopes aperture is not large enough to support high magnification and to show vivid details of that distant objects.

So, always keep in mind to go for larger aperture. Get the bigger aperture till you can afford it.


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